Monday, April 12, 2010


The SPACE SHUTTLE must be preserved for our future in manned space exploration. The only alternative at this point is to convince President Obama to warehouse the entire system until Congress and the President realize the significance the SPACE SHUTTLE will play in our future. I am attaching some diagrams of a "E X T E N D E D" SPACE SHUTTLE which will serve as part of a new and safer launching system for the current SPACE SHUTTLE, as well as become our next new spacecraft, capable of extended excursions into deep space. BUZZ ALDRIN has joined the fight to save the SPACE SHUTTLE, but it is too little and too late. Thank you BUZZ ALDRIN for at least trying......

Friday, March 12, 2010

$250 Billion At Stake With President Obama

$250 Billion, that's $250,000,000,000 or one fourth of $1 Trillion dollars....That is how much it is going to cost you and me, the American taxpayers, if and when another manned space flight program is initiated in the future. There is on alternative. We continue with the SPACE SHUTTLE Program and build upon it. Here is the solution and it is so simple, so economical, so obvious, a caveman could have figured it out.
We stretch a SPACE SHUTTLE and build a liquid propelled booster for the SPACE SHUTTLE to ride to orbit. Isn't that an elegant, beautiful solution......
Hang on, it gets even better! That new booster we just built is also our newest spacecraft that will be capable of voyages to the moon, Mars and selected moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
Wait, even more good news! We launch the new booster with "piggybacked" SPACE SHUTTLE from a magnetic levitated track that will serve as a first stage for all future space launches, both manned and unmanned. That means no more expensive expendable parts and no more dangerous, uncontrollable solid fueled rockets.
Even more good news! The SPACE SHUTTLE will get upgrades that should have been done immediately after the 1986 tragedy. The new launching system will eliminate threats to the exterior tiles. The old tiles will be replaced by new composite material being tested on the X-37B by the USAF as I write this blog. New retro-rockets will be installed in the SPACE SHUTTLE and the new booster spacecraft that will dramatically reduced dangerous air friction upon reentries to the atmosphere.


None of this is going to happen unless President Obama saves the SPACE SHUTTLE from destruction immediately. You must write him at:

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D. C. 20500
We can do this..........

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Okay, the redundant, wasteful, backward thinking Constellation is history. (see my last posting dated September 9, 2009). Now what? The answer is right in front of us. We built a magnificent spacecraft that has served us well for nearly thirty years. We will build upon and improve the SPACE SHUTTLE design. We will build a new, much larger spacecraft and call it the SUPER SHUTTLE (aka CYRUS) and it will carry man from the surface of the earth to the moon, to Mars and many of the satellites of the Jovian planets. The SUPER SHUTTLE will achieve one third (1/3) the needed velocity to attain earth orbit BEFORE it even separates from the ground and with one hundred percent (100%) of its fuel mass on board. The SUPER SHUTTLE will utilize no expendable parts and will be launched in a horizontal configuration. It will employ no solid or cryogenic propellants. The SUPER SHUTTLE will refuel in space at orbiting space platforms that will be strategically placed in orbit around the earth, the moon and Mars. The SUPER SHUTTLE will be powered by both liquid propellants and ion plasma engines which will enable man to reach Mars in less than sixty (60) days. Would you like to see what it looks like? No problem. Go to: You're welcome, Daniel Sterling Sample Space Designs in Los Angeles, California